Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day Eleven - Rialto, CA - just outside San Bernardino....


I had been thinking about going up to Malibu to try and visit the legendary Shangri La music studios which was the recording home of The Band, and many other musicians from the 60s. It is also where Knopfler recorded the excellent Shangri La album.

It is somewhat of a mystical shrine let's say...

Anyway - googled the studio and tracked down via a blog and a website a man named Pete Strobl who was listed as the manager of the Shangri La.

So on the offchance I emailed Pete at an address listed on a web site....

And, amazingly, it worked!!!!

I just spoke with him on the phone - he is a musician and music teacher. It turns out he doesn't run the Shangri La anymore but he has emailed me the number of the new manager to call. He also has invited me to come over to his place and get a load of photos from the studio, including the Knopfler sessions and a live recording session Knopfler did last year. He had lunch with Mark Knopfler last month in London. Very cool.

I am VERY excited and hope I get to go to the Shangri La after all!


1 comment:

Lokfee said...

What a healthy, involved and gripping, sun shiny ending (yet to come) to your route account! I love this. The studios – brilliant, I also thought of visiting at some point once I hit the roads more and less travelled. BTW Shangri-la, in the original version of the legend, is not a place you can actually leave once you get there...but I am sure you know that! ;)

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