Sunday, June 7, 2009


As often is the case after a wonderful trip, the return is followed by the "comedown".

The dreariness of everyday life, the banality of present reality in cruel juxtaposition with the delights of past fantasy and the dreaded re-adjustment to "here" as opposed to "there".

You know "there" - where the grass is always greener. . . . and it's true, it is greener. The grass and everything else that is "there".

It strikes me suddenly that I spend much of my life "there" and little of it "here".

As a consequence, "here" seems rather empty at times (especially when I return from "there") and "there" by comparison seems fuller, richer and more satisfying.

It is of course an illusion, a trick and a trap. If I spent all my time "there" then it would soon become "here" and that would defeat the object... perhaps I need to spend more time "here" and make it more like "there"?

I do miss the people from "there" though. They are fun, interesting, passionate, diverse and inspiring.

I miss the excitement of "there" and I miss the ephemeral qualities of "there" - a place that is constantly re-inventing itself, refreshing itself, being reborn.

Or perhaps it is me that re-invents myself, refreshes myself and is reborn, and "there" is just the context? Is this the basis of happiness and satisfaction or is it escapism and nihilism combined?

I think probably the latter confused for the former.

How sad!

I do apologize, this seems to have become a rather philosophical - not to mention existentialist - posting, so I will stop here to prevent straining the patience of the reader.

That said, I think if one reads the above carefully it will all make perfect sense.

And with that now dealt with . . .


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