Monday, June 1, 2009

The Devil Inside...

Ever had that restless feeling? An itch you can't scratch? A frustration that won't go away and you don't know what it is? A desire to do SOMETHING, but you don't know what?

I call it the "devil inside", or simply that I have "the devil in me"...

Happens from time to time - no rhyme, no reason...although I guess more often when I'm tired.

I've noticed other people get the devil inside when they have too much to drink

I can only shake it by finding something that focuses my mind and takes me away from the devil. Sometimes it's music, sometimes it's exercise, sometimes conversation and sometimes it's the love of a good woman... Or TLC as NK calls it... There are many ways to get the devil out...

The worst part of "the devil inside" is the energy one has but which isn't getting used... And instead turns into "grrrrr" - the sound of bubbling aggression waiting for a way to be expressed.

When I have the devil inside me it's usually a good time to keep me away from: fools, screaming children, white van drivers, the French, and certainly Saudi Arabia...

I write this from the "makeshift" lounge in Riyadh airport...surrounded by people talking inanely on their cell phones (why am I required to become an expert witness in other people's lives?), drinking horrid tea and counting the seconds until I board the aircraft...

There is the sound of "grrrr" being reported in the lounge near Gate 11....

Only I know what it is and why...

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